Monday, January 24, 2011


I made the quiche I promised myself I would. It was so delicious if I can say some myself, it was gone in 3 days!
vegan broco quiche
For Christmas I was given a fabulous vegan cook book from my sister, Supermarket Vegan. Sometimes before bed I sit under the covers and read the recipes and then have crazy food dreams. haha I've seen some recipes with portobello mushrooms in them that look like fun to try, so on Saturday I bought a couple at the farmer's market along with my brussels sprouts and beets.

I keep coming back to these pictures I took of the house in Santa Cruz where my family and I all stayed after Christmas. The house had all sorts of hidden rooms, closets within closets, sun rooms and such cute country style decor! This was my favorite sun room.
window piece

More food! I had to share this super yummy breakfast I had: vegan plain yogurt, granola, peanut butter, agave nectar, and diced blackberries!


  1. I'm so glad you like the book I got you! I want to taste that quiche. And your breakfast sounds amazing!!!!

  2. yeah the book is great! I'll have to tell you about a portobello, hummus and sun-dried tomatoes recipe from the book that i morphed into something new. OMG so good! thank you!!
